Monday, April 22, 2013

   Hi! My name is Brandi and I am the very proud owner of a travel agency, Tiggerific Travels. As the name suggests, we primarily focus on Disney travel. We also do a decent number of cruises and regular hotel stays, but our bread-and-butter is and probably always will be Disney. I am starting this blog to help others. Whether you are looking to jump into the world of working from home or just wanting to learn more about Disney, I hope you will find some good information here. This is honestly not a blog to sell my agency or services, although I am more than happy to help you plan a fabulous vacation! I am hoping that I can meet some people who have traveled a similar path before. I have so many fears and thoughts going on right now. I guess it's a good time to give you some background on me.
   I am a Mom of two young boys and currently a teacher in my full time role. Additionally, I own a travel agency. A few years back I started as an agent with another company who was wonderful to give me a chance. I was (and still am) a raving fan of all things Disney. Disney World is my happy place and it's my goal to share that with any and everyone I meet! Becoming an agent was just a part-thing; a way to make a little extra cash while getting paid for all of the work I was already doing while helping friends plan their Disney trips. At the time, I never intended it to become my full time job although it was a fun dream to think about.
   Fast forward a few years and this Mom decided she wanted to find a way to make this work full time. While I was making a little money from being an agent, I also knew that I could make a lot more if it was my agency. This was mainly due to the fact that many agencies do not pay their agents very well. Now that I am an owner, I understand why they don't, but I still wanted to keep more of my commission while also helping others reach their dreams. So, in September of  2012, I opened Tiggerific Travels! I really love it and have met some fabulous people in the process. I have learned that there is plenty of Disney business to go around and that most of the agency owners out there are amazing people who share this passion of mine.
   Being an agent is one thing, but managing 15 agents is a whole different ball game. It's hard for me to say no to someone who is fabulous and whom I think would make a great agent, so we have grown quickly in terms of the number of agents we have. I have used my many years of management experience to weed through those who think they want to be an agent so that I could find those who will actually put forth the effort and time that is required to be an agent. Anyway, with 15 agents, I really need to be able to work during the day and for more hours in order to meet their needs. I also need to do some trainings, webinars, etc that will be helpful in growing my business even more. With all of that said, when it was time to renew my teaching contract for next year I just couldn't do it. I love to teach and I love my school, but I need to be at 100% for this agency. It's only fair to my clients and to my agents that I am here full time for them and that I really give this my all. So, I turned down that contract for next year. Am I scared to death that we will lose everything? Yes! But, I am also confident that you have to take risks in order to succeed and so here I am. Five weeks of a paycheck left and then I am on my own. This blog will be my diary and account of how I navigate this new world. I hope to help others take steps towards their dreams as well.

Take a deep breath and let's get ready for a fun ride!